Morning Announcements:
- Basketball open gym for any girl in grades 7-12 will be on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 5-6:30 PM in the high school gym.
- High school boys basketball open gym will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8, and Saturdays from 10 to 11:15.
Tuesday Additions:
- If you are interested in cheering for high school or junior high FOOTBALL cheerleading next school year please let Coach Diller know via email by the end of this week.
Email coach Diller ( your name, grade next school year, and a parent contact #. Basketball cheerleading tryouts will take place later in the school year. - Any 8th-11th grader interested in playing football next year, please sign up in Mr. Scott's office. There will be a brief informational meeting for the summer on Friday, May 12 right after lunch.
Wednesday Additions:
- If you purchased a prom ticket, you should now have received two Google Forms - one to request songs and sign up for the Promenade announcement; the other to sign up for a table group. Please plan to have these submitted by Tuesday, May 9th. If you did not receive a form and should have, please contact Mrs. Stockwell right away.
- All seniors currently enrolled in Work Based Learning, please make sure you are completing your Ohio Means Jobs Readiness Seal paperwork and gathering your letter of recommendation from work. Questions and completed paperwork can be directed to Mrs. Hosler and are due May 15.
- Any 8th - 11th grader interested in running Cross Country next fall, please sign up outside Mr. Holland's room.
- Seniors going on the SENIOR TRIP. There will be a short meeting at 11am today. Please stop in the Old Cafe prior to leaving for Millstream.
Thursday Additions:
- Tomorrow is community day!! All students please report to 1st period for attendance. We will gather in the Hive Gym at the beginning of 2nd. Remember to wear your GREEN Hornet Strong T-Shirt to Community Day tomorrow as well as bring your requested Service Project Supplies.
Friday Additions:
- Today is Community Day!!!
- Have a wonderful weekend, Hornets!!