Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Continuity of Service Plan
Plan Description
Cory-Rawson Local Schools will continue to work collaboratively with employees to provide in-person learning opportunities with a focus on closing achievement gaps and addressing the social, emotional and mental health needs of students. Additionally, we will continue to work with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and Hancock County Health Department to ensure we are adjusting safety procedures as necessary.
Cory-Rawson Local Schools will not be mandating vaccinations for students or employees.
2021-2022 School Year COVID-19 Guidance
We hope to return to a level of normalcy starting the 2021-2022 school year with our three goals being:
To keep students and staff safe and healthy.
To keep students in-person at school for the duration of the school year.
To maintain normal activities (i.e. athletics, music, etc.) for the duration of the school year.
Masks are strongly recommended for students and staff while indoors on our school campus and while riding school transportation.
We expect respect for all at Cory-Rawson, regardless of one’s choice on wearing a mask or face covering.
Social Distancing
When possible, students and staff will maintain at least 3 foot distancing indoors.
During lunch, we will provide as much distance between students as is reasonable in the facility.
We will continue to use enhanced filtering and UVC light technology to purify the air in our facilities.
Our district will continue cleaning protocols implemented last year.
Students will be asked to wash and sanitize hands before and after using shared tools and equipment, before and after breakfast/lunch, and after restroom use.
Students and staff should bring water bottles - we have bottle fillers throughout the campus.
Reporting/Contact Tracing
Positive individuals should stay home or be sent home immediately.
Positive test results should be reported to the Hancock County Health Department at 419-424-7105.
Contact tracing is being conducted by the Hancock County Health Department.
The school district will defer to the Hancock County Health Department for return dates and decisions on isolation/quarantine. The Ohio Department of Health flowchart is here.
Employees are to report absences as sick days as with any other illness. All Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) leave days have expired.
The school district will continue to use the COVID-19 attendance code if students are reported absent for positive COVID-19 tests, sent home for COVID-19-like symptoms or quarantined/isolated by the Hancock County Health Department.
If a student is sent home by the school nurse for COVID-19-like symptoms, the nurse will communicate with the secretary to mark the student absent using the COVID-19 attendance code.
The school district will defer to the Hancock County Health Department for return to school dates and decisions on isolation/quarantine.
Communication to families regarding isolation/quarantine decisions will come from the Hancock County Health Department.
Families should report absences to the appropriate secretary. By indicating the absence is due to COVID-19, the absence will be coded accordingly.
Make-up work will be communicated by the classroom teacher as with any other illness.
Schools will follow their homework policies in terms of make-up assignments.
Guests and visitors will be allowed in school district buildings.
Guests and visitors should self-screen for symptoms and stay home if symptomatic for any illness.
Guests and visitors will follow regular check-in procedures and rules outlined in school handbooks.
Students will not be socially distanced on the busses.
Parents/guardians have the option of providing their own transportation.
Large gatherings indoors do not have a capacity limit.
Outdoor gatherings do not have a capacity limit.
Revised 08/16/2021
Board approved 8/19/2021