Don't forget! The Cory-Rawson Senior Class of 2022 is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win TWO Ohio State vs Maryland Football Tickets. The winner will be pulled on Friday, September 24th. The OSU game will be Saturday, October 9th. See a 2022 SENIOR or the High School Office to get your raffle tickets! 1 for $10, 3 for $20, or 7 for $50. Value of the 2 OSU vs Maryland Football Tickets is $174.00
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson High School
C-R picture day is Thursday 9/23! Order online with picture day ID EVT2SH32C. Seniors will take composite pictures on this day - boys are required to wear a shirt & tie and girls should wear a dress, sweater or blouse that follows dress code.
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Spaghetti and marshmallow tower challenge from Miss Holman’s class Friday. Wesley was the winner of the tallest tower! #StingersUp #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
How about these smiling faces?! Make it a terrific weekend, Hornets!!! #StingersUp #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Environmental Science students took advantage of the beautiful day and headed out to the land lab! #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson High School
Land Lab
Land Lab
Land Lab
Land Lab
8th graders have been learning about safety and sanitation. Today we moved into measuring correctly! Next week ... The Incredible Edible Egg! Boiled eggs, deviled eggs, and breakfast burrito food labs after theory lessons in the classroom! They are egg-cited!
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson High School
Check out the September edition of TheBuzz ! #HornetStrong #StingersUp #commUNITY
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Our high school art program is leveraging technology to produce professional-level work! #StingersUp #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
It's toasty and breezy out on the pitch tonight! Go Hornets!!! #StingersUp #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
We love our time in the library! #StingersUp #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, let us unify to honor those who gave their lives that day and the days since in the name of our freedom. #PatriotDay #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Patriots Day
Wanting to liven up your landscape this fall? The Hornet Yearbook is selling 9" potted mums. All proceeds will go towards offsetting the price of the 2021-22 yearbook. Forms have been sent home with students and are due Sept 17th.
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson High School
Our 9-12 student body ended the first week of school with a pep rally! A really fun way to wrap up a GREAT first week in the classroom! #StingersUp #CommUNITY
over 3 years ago, Caleb Scott
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Pep Rally
Got Hornet Pride? Show it off! Homecoming Shirts are now available for purchase! Forms have been sent home with students and are due the morning of Sept 15th.
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson High School
Homecoming Shirt
Let today be the day for each of us to do a little more to end the shame and stigma associated with emotional health! #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
You matter
Tomorrow (September 10) is the deadline for donations toward Mrs. Wagner's Reading Tree!!! Donations can be mailed or dropped off at the CRES office - see more details at
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Reading Tree
We had a full first day! Great job everyone!!! #HornetStrong #StingersUp
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
We are SUPER EXCITED to get the 2021-2022 school year underway tomorrow!!! Tag your first day pics with #CRfirstday
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
super excited
How about our Hornets and the effort and time they dedicate to their fair projects and livestock?! Great job!!! #StingersUp #HornetStrong
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
A perfect night for Hornet football! Our Military Appreciation Night game vs. Riverdale is underway! #StingersUp
over 3 years ago, Cory-Rawson Local Schools
Military Night